We Won!

So, something FAB happened on Thursday. We won an award!! This is such a joy on so many levels, but I wanted to sit down and articulate its value so that all parties could see what it means to us, both as Alice Made This, and the AMT Youth Programme.

Alice Made This | AMT Youth Programme | Award Winners | TheIndustry.Fashion

When I saw the TheIndustry.fashion calling for entries into the ‘People, Plant & Purpose’ awards my immediate thought was – ‘ou maybe we should apply’, quickly followed up with, ‘aw, but we are tiny!’ I mulled it over for a few days and then stopped thinking and just did it!

As part of our application (and I believe what clinched the win for us!) I asked the Young Creatives who have been part of the programme, to offer their words of wisdom as to why we should win, and I was blown away by their feedback. Their testimonies are a vital lesson in the profound impact of sharing experience, offering support, kindness and good energy (which can all be free) can have on a young persons future.

(scroll to bottom to read their testimonies ❤️)


Charitable initiative. Alice Made This, AMT Youth Programme. 

Alice Made This | AMT Youth Programme | TheIndustry.Fashion

Firstly, I want to say the most enormous thank you to Lauretta and Antony of TheIndustry.Fashion. I have watched them build their business in parallel to Alice Made This, and it is one that is inclusive, intelligent, personable and open. I am also extremely grateful to the high calibre judging panel for putting us up there amongst some behemoths in the industry. As much as this is a lovely validation for what we are doing, it shines a light on our future creatives. If the AMT Youth Programme has taught me anything, it illustrates that our future is in good hands with an abundance of creative, driven, lateral thinkers, that are ready for action, and ready to run with it.  

Alice Made This | AMT Youth Programme | Award Winners | TheIndustry.Fashion | Event
Alice Made This | Charitable Initiative | AMT Youth Programme | Winners | TheIndustry.Fashion

Our award winning, AMT Youth Programme

The Basics

Alice Made This | Award Winning AMT Youth Programme | Charitable Initiative

We, Alice Made This, set up the AMT Youth programme in 2020 as a response to the death of George Floyd & Black Lives Matter, to address the lack of diversity in the creative industries at the grass roots level. Barriers to entry are significant for the first ‘foot in the door’ in the creative industries so we were keen to enable young creatives to get an opportunity to drive their own futures by initiating this access. Working with 16-18 years old, in Southeast London, the programme prioritises creatives from African and Caribbean heritage to gain access to the industry. The programme has 3 main focuses: Work shadowing, grant giving & networking. With partnerships across art, design, architecture, fashion, film and music, AMTYP has become a friendly, creative, inspiring, and informative programme. 

The programme is intentionally personable and tight, but is genuinely mighty in every sense. Everyone who is part of it feels truly rewarded, and the relationships built through the programme continue way beyond the time spent in each cohort. We fundraise to allow a minimum of 10 students per year to come through it. Students are from the local secondary schools and are passionate about a creative future. Once successfully through our application process the students enjoy work shadowing, insights, and adventures over the summer holidays.  In September they apply for a grant of up to £500 in the form of a resource, or some equipment or materials to further their passions. Anyone who has been through our programme becomes part of the alumni and we offer events, workshops, Q&A’s and networking to continue conversations and evolve their creative networks.

Alice Made This | Award Winning AMT Youth Programme | Charitable Initiative | Alumni Workshops

Everything is offered free to the young creatives and alumni including their travel and sustenance. We now have over 40 alumni with more than 30 partners offering access to some of the country’s leading brands.

Alice Made This | Award Winning AMT Youth Programme | Charitable Initiative | Partners

Why Grass Roots

16-18 years is an impactful age and one where you are asked big questions about your future. This programme offers our future workforce insights to the multitude of granular roles in the creative industry, from pure design and art, to alternative options like retail buyers, music marketeers, materials specialists, 3d modellers, ethnographers, and so, so much more. It shows them that the creative industry is relevant to them, whether they enter the workplace directly from school, apply for an apprenticeship, or head to university, and it is a place that they can explore and access. It removes the intimidating façade and softens the hierarchy to give them confidence, and a channel to thrive and drive forward.

The programme thrives on the commitment of time and positive energy, and its success to date is testament to all involved who offer this on a pro-bono basis.

Alice Made This | Award Winning AMT Youth Programme | Journal Board

Final Thought

We applied for the award to highlight that even as a small business you can drive change. Something as simple as offering these tangible opportunities allows young creatives to take this experience forward into their futures. Without a programme such as AMTYP, some of these creatives would be hidden, pushed down by a barrier to entry, and forced to follow a different path.

It is proven that to have diversity in our creative workspace is to drive true innovation forward. This is the key to all of our futures, whether it be for sustainability, for innovation, for inclusion, or for diversity. If the work force is great, then the outcomes will be too.

There really is only positivity to come from a diverse workspace, and with the current global status, we are even more committed to ensuring access to the creative industries.

Winners! | Award Winning AMT Youth Programme | Charitable Initiative

AMT Youth Programme | Young Creatives Testimonials

“This programme has been nothing short of life changing. It’s easy to underestimate the significance of initiatives like AMTYP, but for someone like me—someone with no understanding of the creative industry, no connections, and no financial means to explore their potential—it was a lifeline. What do you do when you sense you have creative talent but no way to develop it? Who do you turn to when the doors to opportunity seem firmly closed?

Before AMTYP, I knew I had a passion for photography, videography, and other creative arts, but I felt stuck. I lacked the resources, guidance, and opportunities to transform those passions into something meaningful. Then, through my school, I was introduced to AMTYP, and my world began to change. The programme opened my eyes to career paths I didn’t even know existed, connected me with industry-leading professionals, and gave me the chance to work alongside them. Most importantly, I received a grant to purchase a camera—a tool I had always dreamed of owning, which became the first step in turning my ambitions into reality.

Three years later, the experiences and opportunities AMTYP provided have allowed me to explore careers in creative strategy, brand strategy, and beyond. Without this programme, I wouldn’t be where I am today. AMTYP didn’t just transform my life; it reshaped my understanding of what’s possible in the creative industry. It opened doors to spaces I never imagined I could access—an opportunity that has been nothing short of vital and an incredible blessing.”

Karis, 2021 cohort



“I never thought that applying to be a part of this programme would change the trajectory of my life so much. My passion for photography and videography was sparked, when I first held my first camera during my work experience week. Ever since, I have used the creative and networking skills that I learnt during the programme to further develop my passion. I’ve met people who have truly inspired me to truly perfect my craft and I still use the camera that I received regularly. I’m honestly so grateful for Alice, Inez and everyone else that contributed to making these opportunities available.”

Aminata, 2022 cohort



"Opportunities, whether big or small, are some of the greatest gift’s life can offer. For young people, breaking into the creative industry can be incredibly challenging, especially without the advantage of family or friend connections. That’s why receiving a helping hand from an organisation like AMTYP can be truly life changing. It boosts your confidence to reach out, network, and establish meaningful connections. The program not only helps you determine your next steps and career path but also provides the chance to meet other creatives your age who share similar backgrounds and aspirations. As a young Black creative, having a community is invaluable—not only for fostering belonging but also for gaining visibility and support in navigating the industry.  Opportunities like this instil reassurance, and reassurance is one of the most powerful tools a young person can have."

Tai, 2023 cohort



“The Alice Made This Youth project has had a profound and lasting impact on my life, shaping my personal and professional growth in ways I could never have imagined.

Through the invaluable work experience provided, I gained a deeper understanding of the diverse roles within the creative industry. The connections I made through Alice Made This have continued to open doors beyond the project itself, such as the opportunity to exhibit my work with Drakes on Saville Row. Additionally, the grants offered by Alice Made This have been instrumental in elevating my work to new heights. Without their financial support, I would not have been able to achieve a distinction in my final major project at the Brit School. The alumni network associated with the project is another extraordinary benefit, offering a constant flow of opportunities, from bursaries to workshops, ensuring ongoing development.

Ultimately, I owe much of my current success to the mentorship and support I’ve received from Alice and Inez. They've guided me in crafting a path for my future, and I am incredibly grateful for the doors they've opened and the confidence they've instilled in me.”

Jacob 2023 cohort



“AMTYP has honestly impacted me in such a positive way. From the first correspondence that I had with them, they were responsive to what I wanted to explore creatively (visual arts + music), and helped me with my work experience applications and CV. I managed to gain work experience at black kite studios as well as Warner music group with the help of AMTYP, which I am incredibly thankful for as both these companies provided me with a lot of knowledge as well as networking opportunities. I believe that AMTYP should win, as they are helping unrepresented young people like me, feel seen in the creative industry, which I believe is very important. Since I joined the youth programme, I feel as though my self-esteem has gone up, since I feel like I belong in these creative spaces I’m exposed to. This is because I see more people who look like me who are also on the programme, but also because I am being treated like a priority and not secondary. AMTYP really care, and they honestly show it. Being in year 13 now, I didn’t think this time last year I would have been able to spend £500 on only creative equipment to help me better my skills and advance my career. So, the fact that I have achieved this through AMTYP is honestly so impactful to me, as I know that I can think back when I’m older and appreciate that I was encouraged to continue with my passions by AMTYP.”

Ayanna, 2024 cohort

Get with The Programme! 

We are So grateful to our Sponsors, without whom none of this would be possible. The reality of small, independent business in the current climate is that we are fairly cash-strapped. Please continue to support us by gifting our jewellery. It is much more than just jewellery!

In addition, our sponsors donate dedicated funding to the AMT Youth Programme to allow it to function. The more funding we gather, the more young creatives we can offer this experience to. If you have a CSR / DEI team that has funding available for opportunities like this, please share this with them and get in touch with us on the email below. We would. LOVE to chat to you. :)


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