Mothers Day

We know that many of you will not be together with your mothers, grandmothers or daughters this Mothering Sunday, so words mean so much more at this moment in time. Our thoughts are with all mothers and we offer you some beautiful words.

“Love heals. Heals and liberates. I use the word love, not meaning sentimentality, but a condition so strong that it may be that which holds the stars in their heavenly positions and that which causes the blood to flow orderly in our veins.”
― Maya Angelou, Mom & me & Mom.

mothering sunday | Alice Made This | Quote

We have also asked some of the wonderful mothers we know to write some words about our Jewellery. 

"As a mother, I’d love to receive this Dot necklace with an engraving that’s personal to me. I love the simplicity and that it can be worn with any outfit." Charlie

"The engraved gold dot bracelet is simple and elegant and something I wear everyday as a visible reminder of the kids and how excited they were to give it to me." Jess

"Like the earth orbiting the sun, these gold dot and silver large hoop earrings are simple but monumental. I love them." Amy

"My Esme silver necklace adds an elegant graphic touch to any of my outfits, which when you’re running out the door to drop off - is a delight." Olivia

"The Ava gold and silver mini hoop earrings transform me every time I put them on. They upgrade the simplest of outfits, with minimal effort, making me feel good and special without having to try hard at all. I always get such lovely compliments too, I adore them!" Jessica

"I loved receiving my Charlie silver necklace. It has the girls initial’s on and when I wear it, it always reminds me of happy days with my girls." Tessa

"This Mia rose gold ring means a lot to me as a Mama, it represents our strong family circle" Eleanor

On those days when you’re just not feeling it, lack of sleep, lack of self, my AMT necklaces just make me feel a little bit more fabulous. Gemma

"I can put my Eden gold hoop earrings on with any outfit and feel ready to go out (even if you are covered in baby sick) I love the way they move when you wear them too." Liv

"I Love the design of my Arden blackout and gold bracelet. It is understated, easy to wear and perfect for stacking with other AMT pieces." Ingrid

"Amethyst is my birthstone so this Amethyst Nola Necklace with its coloured patina was perfect. It is something my kids love me to wear too." Frankie

"What a special present - The Lapworth rose gold bracelet is as strong and beautiful as all Mothers." Ellie

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